Monday 8 November 2010

Bonfire Cake

Continuing the themed cakes, I decided to celebrate bonfire night with some 'Firework cupcakes'. However, when I looked at the recipe it had no eggs or butter, and white wine vinegar and sunflower oil instead. Didn't sounds all that appetizing. Besides which I couldn't find any mini sparklers to put in each cupcake.

So I opted for Plan B (otherwise known as the wise words of my mother), and made a big cake, hence 'Bonfire cake'. What on earth - I hear you ask - is a 'Bonfire cake'? Well, it is a big round stack of yummy chocolate cake, with melted chocolate poured on top, decorated with silver balls and a sparkler.

I used my own easy-peasy recipe for the cake, 6oz butter and 6oz sugar creamed together, add 6oz plain flour, 2 tsp baking powder, 1 tbsp cocoa, and 3 eggs. Mix it all together put it in the oven and bake for about 30 minutes. Simples...

I then melted a bar of Green & Black's milk chocolate, poured it over the cake and covered the top with silver balls. Finally I added a sparkler, turned out all the lights, lit the end and watch in awe. The cake didn't last much past bonfire night so it must have been tasty!

1 comment:

  1. Hmm... this cake might have to be re-created for New Year's? It looks sinfully delicious!
